"Another Chance" for Tammy Wynette

TammyTammy Wynette, known as the First Lady of Country Music, was raising children on her own, while she was telling the story of  everyday women — she was their voice of inspiration. Naming this precious pooch after the famous country singer seemed fitting. 
Our Tammy Wynette, a sweet older basset hound, needs "Another Chance" at a happy ending.

Tammy Wynette and her two sons were living the county life for many years before they came to Furkids. Sadly, it wasn't all sweet tea and relaxing summer nights for this country family. They spent many nights living outside "Crying in the Rain" - wishing and hoping for a better life. Years outside caused all three dogs to contract heartworm disease, a painful and easily preventable disease that is transmitted by mosquito bites. 

Tammy and her sons eventually made their way to the county animal control or "pound," where every day could have been their last. County shelters are overcrowded; and, sadly, they have to euthanize animals due to lack of space. Their time was running out, but luckily Furkids was alerted to their story and rescued them in the nick of time. 

Furkids saved all three dogs, and transported them to our shelter. We soon realized Tammy had much more than heartworm disease. She had pneumonia, and a large mass hanging from her abdomen. Her road to recovery would be long and difficult. First we treated her pneumonia.  After a few weeks Tammy began to roll around and enjoy life again as you can see in her video.


Then it was time to address her large hanging mass. Originally we thought it was a tumor, but veterinarians say it is a massive hernia. Her intestines have migrated to a pouch outside of her belly. Her body has been able to survive and adjust;  but she needs surgery to correct this issue SOON. This is far from a simple surgery. 

Medical bills for Tammy and her sons will total more than $2,500. This county family has been through a lot and needs your help to get back on the road to a happy ending. 

Tammy wants to tell everyone out there, "I Still Believe in Fairy Tales," and she knows that with your help she and her boys will get better and have "Another Chance." 

Donate now to Tammy and her family;  help them heal,  and find the forever family they deserve.   [add_to_cart item="dt" quantity="user:1" text="Donate now to Tammy" ] 





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