Adopt A Tooth

Here's something else to think about: Furkids operates the largest cage-free, no-kill shelter for cats in the southeast, along with a free-standing dog shelter, cares for more than 1,000 animals per year. Our animals, just like your pet, need dental care. Dogs have 48 teeth and cats have 30 teeth, so rough calculations show Furkids responsible for almost 32,000 individual animal teeth. That's a lot of brushing! And right now, 30 Furkids cats need teeth cleaning at a cost of nearly $300 per cleaning and multiple dogs. Donate now to adopt a few teeth or an entire mouth for $300!
Will you help us? You can adopt a Furkids tooth for a donation of just $10 to help us care for our animals' teeth. The best part is, you don't even have to lift a dog's lip or peer into a cat's mouth to help. Donate now: [add_to_cart item="010101" quantity="user:1" ]
Good dental health is an investment in preventive health care for your pet, just like healthful food, regular exercise, vaccines and visits to the vet. The added reward for you: no more wincing from doggie kisses or lip rubs from your cat.