209 Pets Enter loving Homes in June 2015

Furkids placed 209 cats and dogs in loving homes during June 2015. Below is a list of everyone that was adopted. Congratulations to the new families! While we celebrate these adoptions, remember we still have hundreds waiting in the wings to be adopted. Our Cage Free Cat Shelter and Dog Shelter are open three days a week for visitors. We hope to see you soon! 

Cat Adoptions: 157

Felicia 150935, Fannie 150937, George Stephanopurr 150405, Frankie 150936, Romulus 150845, Reemus 150846, Pip  150816, Luna 150817, Milo 150820, Toby 150821, Gable 150353, McQueen 150355, Delilah 150680, Marco 151086, Lavender 150724, Parvati 150725, Butter 150723, Miss Scarlett 150487, Mrs. Peacock 150489, Lovebug 150740, Belle 151074, Calvin 150826, Michael 150499, Trix 150484, Coco Puff 150485, Cotton 151089, Hannah 150578, Julie 150577, Peter 151088, Prince 150822, Princess Paris 150823, Wadsworth 150490, Florida 151048, Lucia 151084, Maui 151085, Saffron 150529, Ray 150746, Sweetbriar 150749, Snow 150349, Sienna 150606, Tic Toc 151006, Galaxy 151010, Moon 150709, Crystal 150168, Rusty 150392, Bing 150766, Jenzie 150020, Phoebe 150022, Juliet 150602, Kenzie 150201, Emma Frost 150276, King Leonidis 13730, Skinny Bob 14324, Chubby Bob 14325, Marzipan 150614, Tiramisu 150615, Camo 150632, Aiden 150884, Mahalia 151145 (pictured left), Jackson 151146, Jules 151148 (pictured left), Sasha Fairbanks 150125, Pea Body 150231, Pea Pod 150232, Lemond 150369, Pirate 11730, Abby 150204, Reggie 150208, Fiver 150361, Thumper 150362, Mac 150815, Smoke  14406, Smudge 141044, Bleu 150603, Cocoa Bean 150715, Festus 150933, Macy 150122, Phoenix 150683, Dallas 10017, Leaf 141611, Sweet Pea 150140, Dicaro 150233, Ana Parker 150240, Ella Parker 150241, Annabelle 150350, Lucky Charms 150483, Yang 150568, Mahogany 150601, Phineas 150648, Tonka 150692, Lego 150694, Mister 150803, Gypsy 141617, Salvatore 141672, Vesta 150862, Mars 150864, Tug 12373, Star 150386, Jabberwocky 150452, Docious 150590, Tulip 150194, Caleb 150491, Wanda 150998, Winnie 151000, Tom Bropaw 150406, Archie 150868, Shenobi 14853, Jenny 141475, Callie 141476, Boo 150129, Snow 150170, Sushi 150319, Saki 150320, Boo 150380, Wolf Blitzpurr 150407, Dally 150456, Leia 150469, Fragi 150586, Ali 150589, Kravitz 150608, Badu 150610, Tang 150767, Bubble Tea 150852, Cleopatra 150866, Cairo 150867, Moonlight 151057, Patwa 150394, Boo 150129, Vinnie 150575, Mercury 12429, Baby Bop 150099, Clark Gable 150698, Saturn 150863, Hot Toddy 150181, Chilly 150182, Christiane Amanpurr 150404, Quinn 150526, Wonka 150999, Bobbi Socks 150051, Boomer 150186, Isabelle 151179, Beanie Baby 14471, Carina 14473, Rosedale 150503, Lindale 150504, Mr. Kiss 141640, Gardenia 150912, Hachi 150474, Aoko 150475, Fiona 150650, Colonel Mustard 150486, Professor Plum 150488, Lacey 150508, Landon 150509

Dog Adoptions: 52

Mugsy Elnar, Victoria Pope, Maggie Mae, Sugar Spoonbread, Daisy Deer, Molly Malone, Hedgehog, Lacey Lion, Fergus, Meadow, Erriff, Barrow, Chewy, Patrick, Galey, Fanta, Ginger, Anteater, Schweppes, Dee, Kinley, Zico, Sprite, Gnocchi, A&W, Coca Cola, Hadley Helvetica, Trixie, Gill Sans, Lucy Lydian, Jester, Rockwell, Veranda, Geneva, Tahoma, Knockout, Bazooka, Bruno (pictured right), Mrs. Eaves, Typo, Lizzy, Habana; Zedd, Rosetta, Ralph, Pongo, Fairview, Papyrus, Dalua, Dale, Marigold, Margot

Click here to see more adoption pictures from June. Your picture could be next...

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