154 Cats and Dogs Received a Treat this October
Furkids placed 154 cats and dogs in loving homes during October 2014. Below is a list of everyone that was adopted. Congratulations to the new families! While we celebrate these adoptions, remember we still have hundreds waiting in the wings to be adopted. Please remember that both our Doraville Cat Shelter and Alpharetta Dog Shelter are open EVERY SATURDAY for visitors!
As of Oct. 31 we have rescued 2,059 animals in 2014. To put that in perspective, during the entire year of 2013 we rescued 1,597 animals. As we save more lives, our expenses continue to grow. Please donate what you can, when you can. How about $10 right now to pay for life-saving vaccines for one animal? You can help RIGHT NOW by donating $10.
See more adoption pictures on our October Adoptions Facebook Album
Dog Adoptions (51): Corey, Estee Lauder, Handsome Dan, Lexi, Stabler, Cute Bug’s Ear, Hope, John Denver, Linda Ronstadt, Blue Moon, Joan Baez, Lenox Park, Willie Nelson, Anderson Valley, Chloe LienenKugel, Deebo Schlitz, Lime-A-Rita, Abby Scinto, Tammy Wynette, Isles (pictured left), Tish Van Der Wahl, Rizzoli, Sam Hanna, Peggy Sue, Penelope Garcia, Rocko, Maura Muffin, Christine Cagney, Jennifer Jareau, Wally, Comet, Ginger Guilia, Mary Beth Lacey, Maverick, Thunderbird, Foxy Fiero, Edsel, Rocko (#2), Escalade, Kia, Nash, Tater Tacoma, Lamborghini, Tesla, Matthew Crawley, Becket; Brenda Lee Johnson, Tommy Saturn, Sonata, Porsche, Impala