Rilo 20624 - Saint Bernard - Adult Male


More about Rilo 20624:

  • Location:
  • Color: White/Brown
  • Good with cats
  • Good with dogs
  • Home with no small/young children
  • Housetrained

Animal Bio

Meet Rilo, a young, sweet and cuddly friend who is always ready to explore the world with his curious nature. His bravery is admirable, and his loyalty, unmatched. Though he may be a bit shy at first, he quickly warms up to both people and pets. Rilo is a star pupil when it comes to being housetrained, and he's also very good with cats, dogs, and older kids. His protective nature makes him a wonderful addition to any family, as he will always keep a watchful eye on his loved ones. Rilo should be adopted because he's not just a pet, but a companion who will fill your home with love, joy, and a sense of security. His sweet nature and adaptability make him the perfect addition to any home, and his love for life will surely bring a smile to your face every day. Unfortunately, Rilo has Kidney Disease which is a lifelong illness. He is currently on a prescription diet which he will need the rest of his life. Rilo weighs 107lbs., is approximately 2 years old (est. birth date 05/01/2022), and his adoption fee is $305. Rilo has been neutered, is up to date on all vaccinations & preventatives, and is microchipped. If you want to know more about Rilo, please complete a survey at Meeting our dogs is by appointment only. After submitting a survey, an adoption counselor will contact you within 72 hours to give you more information about the dog you are interested in adopting and to arrange for you to meet. You must be at least 21 years of age to adopt.

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